Monday 8 August 2011

Sharing the lurve

Well that's nice. I took some photos a while back of a couple of hot-looking chaps, and shared them on an art site. And then a nice man in Brazil used a pair of them as inspiration for his sketches...

How sweet are they?

Actually, that second one looks rather better than my photo, come to think of it. See, cast your bread upon the waters and it will return a thousandfold. Who'd have thunk?


sticks said...

I like them a lot - there's more for the imagination to do with them than a photograph and, for me, that makes drawings even more interesting and erotic in many cases. And it's amazing how much is conveyed by relatively few lines. It'd be interesting to see the transformation but i imagine that you have reasons other than photographic modesty for concealing the originals.

Anonymous said...

Why so coy Monsier Le Dec? Can't we see the orginals that inspired these artistic endevours? Tiro

Viollet said...

Not to my taste at all, I'm afraid.
Maybe the photographs might have more appeal.