Wednesday 8 June 2011


Since I'm poorly (much better today, though, thanks for asking...), I'm lazily going to post a set of images sent to me by a kind and generous reader.

In truth, this is No Hardship Whatsoever, though, since the model is gloriously lovely.

He has that delightfully natural muscled frame which does not appear to be the result of hours of gym pumping and steroid abuse; instead, it's just simple, masculine and lovely.

He has a rather lovely winkie, too:

Let's end here, with the traditional "show us your pits and your stiffy" shot:

Magnificent. Utterly magnificent.

God, I love naked men.


Anonymous said...

I had to look up "the dreaded lurgy" and am relieved to learn that it is not serious and only slightly contagious. A similar illness is rampant in Los Angeles these days, but reportedly more contagious.

Be better and thanks for this beautiful series of photos.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're on the mend - keep it up. I'm being run ragged by a tiny puppy! I'd forgotten how much work they are, but always worth it

Chris said...

What a treat to see.... Enticing, that foreskin, thank you and your kind correspondent

The New Me said...

be well, thanks for thinking of us.

Stewart Jackel said...

I'm glad you didn't contract spon on the kneecap as well!
Evidently lurgy does not impact on (!) your libido, for which fact we are all glad.