Friday 1 July 2011

No compromise needed

Sometimes you just have to compromise, and that's what this delightful sequence is all about.

It's full of strange and intriguing angles and interesting distortions of perspective...

But it's clear that our lovely model has a bit of a magnum-sized winkie:

Even here, when lying inert and at its floppiest, it has a hefty length to it which defies mocking on grounds related to teenyness, notwithstanding the eccentric public shaving:

And from above, too, that foreskin snood looks enticing and eminently suckable:

He doesn't just take everything lying down, either...

Then our model gets busy, as it were, springing his winkie into life:

And we end here, with a blur of activity and the winkie at full extensive hardy manliness, throbbing and pulsing:

I particularly love the delicate way his left pinkie finger is extended. Is that a sign of particularly good manners?


Scott Willison said...

He would be wonderful if it weren't for the bizarre pubic outcropping. Sigh.

Niall said...

Lovely package.
Silly hair.

Anonymous said...

why a moustache?