Sunday 31 July 2011

Bowled over

Smaller images than I would normally post (the first one isn't bad, the other two less good), but worth it, I think, for the sheer wattage of beauty.

No full-frontals either, but I just don't care: I am in love with his lightly haired body and that is the end of the matter.

The fact that he also has eyelashes with which you could easily sweep streets is another huge plus point in his favour.

Have I explained yet how completely smitten I am? Now, if only someone could come up with a full frontal image I could die happy...


Stewart Jackel said...

'My long eyelashes, my grey eyes, my beautiful mouth, my barely hirsute chest, these are all yours. So is the rest of me.'
When your mind constructs this who needs a(n) f-fi? That which exists in the mind is more powerful than the reality because the imagined reality is more powerful than the real reality (if you are still with me. No? oh well ...
Ok, that's my attempt at profound intellectual analysis for the week ...

Anonymous said...

he looks very hot in jeans, I'm a sucker for a cute hairy chest, probably envy.

The New Me said...

you're right LeDuc, he is beautiful. Thanks for sharing