Trains, films, architecture, my photography, and interminable pictures of small winkies. A veritable snack. And all for the positively very last time. Enjoy it while you can.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Tumbling fun
We're not huge sports fans on Adventures in Beige, but this viral clip is rather startling:
That's Polish gymnast Jozef Wadecki (seen right, looking happy as Larry).
As the title asks: is he even human?!
One of the joys for an anglophile yank reading your blog is picking up on the expressions. I can add "Happy as Larry" to such earlier ones as "Normal for Norfolk;" will try it out on my native Brit FWB sometime soon.
That is astonishing! The momentum he generates in such a short run-up is almost unbelievable. I could almost get interested in gymnasts (though never in gyms).
One of the joys for an anglophile yank reading your blog is picking up on the expressions. I can add "Happy as Larry" to such earlier ones as "Normal for Norfolk;" will try it out on my native Brit FWB sometime soon.
That is astonishing! The momentum he generates in such a short run-up is almost unbelievable. I could almost get interested in gymnasts (though never in gyms).
if only he were naked...
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