Monday, 23 January 2012

Here we go again...

I am completely in love with this utterly angelic model.

Yes, yes, I know he's shaved himself, and you know how much I hate that...

But, but... Damnit! There's something rather lovely about him anyway.

Enough to make me overcome my antipathy to body shavers and, instead, to focus on the loveliness of his pert wee winkie.

On the soft curvature of his muscly, manly pecs and that delicious-looking stomach...

Of the glistening hairs on his legs, the tantalising remnants of chest hair...

Er... and the ending isn't at all bad, either -- loving those teeny balls:

Yes, he is indeed a worthy winner of my Daily Crush award, to the model that has successfully stolen my heart and lustiness.

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