Monday 3 October 2011

Leaving it all behind

I've been taken my farewell of this part of London, snapping away at the landmarks I usually walk past every single day:

It's not that I'll never be going here again, of course: just that my office is moving away from this part of town to somewhere, er, completely different.

So these buildings, which have been part of the weft and weave (or is that warp and weave? warp and weft?) of my daily life will, from now onwards, be occasional friends rather than part of the quotidien.

I'm sorry to be leaving them behind (even the denuded Post Office Tower, which is now [in an aesthetic crime] missing the vast array of microwave dishes that were its original purpose).

Even the lumpen vernacular in this part of town can be rather special, a patina of age and a sense of being close to the heart of great events.

Onwards and upwards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was pleased to see your shot of the ELMS LESTERS painting rooms in Flitcroft street. In the late '80s the firm I worked for moved from Shaftesbury Ave to (pause for gasp of horror) Milton Keynes. Its now an art gallery but in my time it was still a theatrical scenery painting workshop.