Tuesday 11 October 2011

Porno interlude

I love how the boundaries around porn appear to be breaking down, not just in advertising. Can I start by introducing actor Stephen Amell?

Stephen is one of the cast in delightfully-named US cable series Hung (starring the lovely lust-puppy Thomas Jane, though that's a story for another day). Here are some stills...

You see, other than the fact it has rather better lighting than normal, I think that could be a still from almost any gay porn shoot I've ever seen...

Yes, well, obviously that one would have been from a straight porn shoot, but, I mean, just gaze lovingly at Stephen's delicious-looking arse there, flopping around (or, rather, bouncing around, so tight are those buns).

And let's end with that, Stephen laying back in anticipation of us (well, me, actually) gently parting his milky-white thighs and...

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