Tuesday 12 July 2011

Is it me?

No-one should be in any doubt as to the sheer size of the admiration I have for naked models:

I love them, I adore them, and I am hugely, hugely grateful to them. All of them.

So, while I know this is a bit of a churlish thought...

... and while I love this model's body, his hairy deliciousness, and his very modest winky...

... does he really have to be quite so sullen?

I mean, if he really doesn't want to be there, aren't there easier ways to earn a living? Anything is hard if you don't enjoy it, no matter what you're paid, but most difficult jobs don't require you either to get an erection or to appear to be enjoying yourself.

He's really well qualified in the former, but I do wonder about his commitment to the latter.


Anonymous said...

7 days without toss has made me weak. thanks for your post. they are always my favorites of the day.

Jim in SC said...

This one suits me to a tee, Le Duc! I'm quite partial to lads with very hairy legs... Great selection.

P.S. Today's secret word (for me) is "preen". How appropriate.

Anonymous said...

I don't interpret his expression to be so much "sullen" as "unsuccessfully trying to achieve 'smoldering'". Alas, physical attractiveness is not necessarily paired with acting ability.