Wednesday 28 December 2011

American "football". Really?

At first glance, Friday Night Lights is not my sort of programme. Not at all.

Set in the world of high school American football, a "sport" about which I know little and care less, it's based in the arse-end of Texas, a state whose wacky religious values, odd judicial "system", and generally conservative lifestyle I find pretty repugnant (don't worry: the feeling is mutual).

It's a world where the women have big hair and bigger cleavages. And where real men pad up and engage in yearning homoerotic glances.

That Friday Night Lights makes this mixture compelling is testimony to good writing and great acting. It also features one of the most intriguing marriages on telly:

Of course, the presence of testosterone-charged hot boy-totty doesn't hurt its watchability either, and there, King of the Lust Objects, is the staggeringly sexy Taylor Kitsch:

Taylor was previously a Top Model, with a set of abs to prove it:

Intriguingly, I'm also finding Coach Taylor sort of, er, well, attractive, actually...

I loved the first three seasons and, after a hiatus of a couple of years, I've now got the final two series in the inevitable box sets. Four was a hum-dinger, and tonight I start the fifth and final season when, among other delights, they promise to introduce me to this upstanding-looking character:

Friday Night Lights: I still despise American football, but with not quite so much vehemence as I did before. And that's some praise indeed.

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