Monday 26 December 2011

Where the Hell am I?

In case you were wondering, I am currently in the wilds of Fenly Norfolk hopefully trying to find the remains of places like this:

That was actually on the Isle of Grain, in Kent, but the old M&GN lines across the Norfolk/Lincolnshire flatlands had a similar feel, and I'm spending a few days tramping through the cold and clingy mists trying to find the remains of the some of the M&GN's western section stations.

Here, for example, in the tiny village of Wisbech St Mary, where a tantalising glimpse of an old M&GN platform shelter can be glimpsed between two hideous modern "executive-style luxury homes" that were built on the site of the station lands:

Note the emblematic name of the street -- very droll, but historically unaccurate (most of the M&GN was closed to passengers long before Dr Beeching had anything to do with British Railways).

God, I love my life.

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