Thursday 1 December 2011

Caring instincts

There seems to be something delightfully unaffected about this model -- what you see is what you get.

He's clearly afflicted by a monstrous mutant winkie, but that's a curse he seems to bear with good fortitude.

And at least he has not made the slightest effort to shave his massively exuberant bushy pubic forest.

From that image (above) his wanger also appears to be extraordinarily thick. Blimey.

He can do the sensual, soft-soap poses, too, and then he can do the raunchier ones:

Something about him makes me want to just hug him.

Perhaps that's my paternal instinct coming out, my desire to cherish and nurture this fine young man. Perhaps.


Anonymous said...

"Paternal Instinct"!! I've not heard such rubbish. You mean he's so fucking desirable. Phil038

LeDuc said...

Irony is wasted on you, isn't it!