Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Power of the Winkie

My lovely friend Tot T says the only reason people visit my blog is for the copious quantities of cock displayed here.

"People just scroll through the trains and films and architecture and crap, to get to the next cache of cock", he tells me.

So, in a spirit of trying to be helpful, let's have an orgy of tiny winkies...

Most of these first few images seem to involve other people interacting with tiny winkies.

Sometimes in ways that I struggle to find erotic:

But then we get to a good old wrestling bout, and my spirits are restored:

Even this next image, where there is no visible winkie, stirs my spirits:

Although not quite as much as seeing the winkie revealed:

Let's end here, with a delightfully surreal image where one's eyes, despite the strangeness, are inexorably dragged-back to the jolly wee pricklet of the naked man:

Such is the awesome power of the mighty tiny winkie.

Pretty cool, huh?


D said...

I love your blog... but it's not the trains that pop my rocks though ;) It's definitely the small winkies!

jlo said...

Hi there. I don't know about anyone else but I enjoy the trains. Yes I love looking at the winkies but I also like trains, so keep up the good work. LOVE AND HUGS

Jim in SC said...

Very cool! Welcome back...

Tom said...

I'm sure I never would have said anything so crude. Obviously the winkies are just so many (short) interludes between the ravishing descriptions of obscure train facts that keep us coming back for more, more, and more.

NorwichResident said...

It is the eclectic mix of a post on the Royal Navy, the transport system and then gorgious naked men.

kvic said...

I love your photos and descriptions of English stately homes too. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

It is also the language - I think you could write about anything and I would gladly read it. You have a genuine voice and a lyric tone, and reading you I can imagine (even better) sitting in conversation with you. Of course, having that conversation turn to winkies and unshaved delights is part of the fun.

Ravenscrag said...

architecture photos is what keeps me coming back. the winkies and the trains don't hurt though.

reidus404 said...

I tend to agree with the other comments. I'd also add that, as an American, you give me a unique opportunity to get a view into the British way of life. In addition to the vast array of interesting winkies, I also appreciate the architecture (totally unlike anything here in New Orleans)and other comments concerning topics as food, crockery, etc. We love you just as you are (even if we're not all train enthusiasts).

LeDuc said...

Thanks for all the nice comments. Much appreciated.

Tom: no, of course you would never be so vulgar. I was trying to convey through words the delightful mime you did illustrating how most people read my blog, but I couldn't capture the finger movements. Words are so clumsy, aren't they?

reidus404: Oh, be careful: I am a hugely unreliable commentator.

Anonymous said...

Enjoying it all, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Man...there is nothing wrong with a small penis!Some of my hottest experiences were with guy with little dicks. Just happen to love them small!