Friday 13 May 2011

Lounging around

Since you've probably been missing me (during Blogger's recent hiatus), I figured a sharp dose of gratuitous yet random cock might be in order.

The half a dozen images here are on a vague theme of "lounging around", but don't get your hopes up too high.

Although, in truth, I suspect most of you are not seeking intellectual coherence from your constant searches on the web...

So I hope these six chaps will give you some satisfaction.

Even if, as in this next one, close inspection suggests a winkie of rather prodigious proportions:

Let's end here with this delightul creature who has, of course, featured before in one or other of my blogs (or possibly all of them):

I never get tired of staring at his man-parts, his explosion of pubiary, or his rather touching face. Never.


Stewart Jackel said...

The word "intellectual" is not permitted down here in the colonies because it is synonymous with "elite", the latte-sipping, chardonnay-swilling chattering class, that is, anyone who has left-leaning politics. So of course I'm not not seeking intellectual coherence from my constant searches of your esteemed blog. Just working class smut, that is, wee willie winkies and big balls.

Is there anything else worth searching for in life apart from a decent latte?

LeDuc said...

Reminds me of that old joke about the Soviet Union (or was it East Germany?).

Q: Why do secret policemen always go round in threes?

A: One of them can read; one of them can write; and the third is there to keep an eye on these two dangerous intellectuals.