Sunday 1 May 2011

Sign of the times

Earlier today I passed this rather large, permanent sign outside a pub.

I suppose it's worth clicking to enlarge, though I found the whole thing rather dispiriting.

I mean, surely there can't actually be people who find the idea of food served in "a bucket" appetising?

What next? A "trough" of swill?


Anonymous said...

That's from the states. KFC chicken comes in buckets. And so is Budweiser! We have come to take over your food interests...I am very sorry that we have unleashed our corporate world on you.

Viollet said...

Wouldn't like any of it (in or out of a bucket!), especially not the beer.

I seem to remember "balti" means "bucket" so perhaps it's a recognised deviation.

mack said...

It's for people who think that Budweiser is really beer, or in any way drinkable. A bucket qualifies as a night out; at home, their food is just thrown on the floor in front of them.