Friday 6 May 2011

Oh Thierry...

A fistful of Thierry Pepin courtesy of a kind and generous reader:

Here he is, looking all sultry, with his "come to bed with me eyes".

It's always possible, of course, that I am imagining that look.

However, I am hugely enjoying Thierry's new role as an underwear model. Not that I have the slightest intention of ever buying any of these ridiculous-looking contraptions.

They're the sort of thing that only a model can pull off because the model is so beautiful you are completely distracted by him. He could make a plastic sack look lovely.

And, as we can see from that final shot, Thierry's enormous package is straining at the mesh of... whatever the Hell that is. Who cares what that is? Just look at lovely Thierry...


Stewart Jackel said...

I know we are thick down here in the colonies but why would a bloke want to wear chicken wire underpants?
You're losing it Mr Le Duc, my friend. He's about as erotic as a dead flathead.

Anonymous said...

Also from the colonies, i must say that his grace, his posture, his masculine curves....miao mew miao...thank you for posting Thierry.
P.S. i wouldnt mind seeing and servicing Thierry's flathead.