Wednesday 21 September 2011

Government bastards. Again.

Intriguing. Elements in the Department for Education have been caught out trying to avoid compliance with the Freedom of Information Act by using personal email accounts to conduct their government business. They then argue that the information need not be disclosed since it's not on government systems.

This is Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Education.
No, honestly, he really is.

Fascinating. Their commitment to openness and honesty, to transparency and good government is pretty much at the level I would have expected from these devious, cheating, lying, power-crazed fuckers.

Michael is Big Boss of the Department where people seem
to be trying to the evade Freedom of Information Act

Interestingly, an adviser actually employed by the Department for Education (remember that -- education) wrote to all his new colleagues that he would no longer be looking at his official email account and, instead:
"I will only answer things that come from gmail accounts from people who I know who they are".

Er... sic.

Michael seems to be as camp as a boy scout convention

So this ill-educated pillock (the adviser, not Gove) is now advising the government on, er, education policy.

And we are paying his wages while he tries to keep his devious dealings secret from us.



Keyhole Kate said...

At the very least Gove's an improvement on his truly mad and utterly bad predecessor in the Department, the ghastly Ed Balls.

LeDuc said...

That's like saying that Gove may be a turd, but at least he wasn't diarrhoea like his predecessor.

Who cares about these minor differences? They are both wankers, and I don't want to have a Secretary of State whose one redeeming feature is that he is everso slightly less shitty than his predecessor.

Instead I want a brilliant Secretary of State who is passionate about education and who is rooted in values that, uh, value learning for its own sake, as a mark of a civilised society.

Someone who doesn't treat education as a commodity that is just there to help their friends get even richer (and before you say that's only a Tory vice, I'd like to point you in the direction of Labour's stupid, dumb, insane obsession with PFI contracts to rebuild schools, which will be bankrupting our grandchildren...).

Viollet said...

PFI was a Tory idea, though.

The line of Education Ministers/Secretaries of State since Butler has not been notable for its coruscating passion for education, regardless of party allegiance.

A pox on them all, I say.
(NB this is vulgar abuse, and so neither libellous nor obscene).

LeDuc said...

"PFI was a Tory idea, though"

Who gives a fuck? The point I'm making is that both parties have been utterly useless -- and, indeed, positively harmful. I fail to see how the fact that one of them had the idea and did a bit of it, while the other implemented it with gusto, makes either party smell of roses. They are both shitty, crappy, shitebags. Hence I agree with your peroration.

For too long we've played the game of trying to work out which of them is slightly less shitty than the other. I don't think we should play that game any more: let's recognise the crappiness of all of them.

Steve H said...

Why is he ill-educated?

LeDuc said...

Read the quote in the original post again and try to work out the grammatical structure. It reminds me of nothing so much as Ernie Wise's atrociously-badly written plays "what I wrote". If you can't see what's wrong with the sentence then, sorry, but...