Thursday 15 September 2011

Weirdness unleashed

A strange assortment of images on a sort of pervy humiliation theme. I don't know why.

Maybe it's to torment you as I mark the fact that I have now used 75% of the photo allowance for this blog -- which means the end of my blogging career is fast approaching!

For some reason, this post also contains a surprisingly large number of images of women. I just want to reassure you that I don't think I'm turning funny or anything.

It's just the quality of the boy totty that features in them is so very high:

Here's a pair of CFNM shots, featuring a deliciously hairy but improbably elderly-looking schoolboy:

He apparently was bullying the clothed schoolboy and is now being punished, although in this next shot the bullied boy appears to be rather startled by the sheer manly manliness of his bullyer:

Enough of that nonsense; time for a return to normality with a, er, vampire doing a reach-around:

Um... this next shot I find very, very disturbing:

No, silly, not the light bondage/rape fantasy, I mean the chap on the right who is pulling in his stomach in an extraordinary fashion, and the appalling tightness of the shorts of the two assailants. I think the chap having his clothing removed is probably in the healthiest condition of all of them.

I have no idea why I fancied the idea of a heavily-hung stud-puppy being spanked by a woman, so let's draw a veil over that and end here, with something far more seemly:

I'm thinking of incorporating something like this into the programme, the next time I hold interviews for a job. I don't think that's unreasonable, do you?


Coreopsis said...

You'll miss us, LeDuc. Your silent followers salute you.

thisisaname said...

*whispers*tumblr tumblr tumblr*/whispers*

When you go to bed tonight, you will think of this comment, and the repeated mantra of "tumblr" (in the sound of Morgan Freeman's voice, naturally) will repeat in your consciousness.

You, of course, will reject my comment and the notion of using tumblr but inevitably as you turn in for the night, you will think of this comment, and of Morgan Freeman compelling you to hear the word "tumblr" over and over again. Tomorrow morning, when you wake up, you will have this absurd desire to continue your blogging career at tumblr.

Anonymous said...

Hey LeDuc-

I wasn't aware that "CFNM" was even recognized as a fetish until recently. It seems all the rage in fashion photos these days. Hot nude male models serve as props for femme fatales dressed in haute design.

I guess it makes sense....kind of a hybrid of voyeurism, exhibitionism, & humiliation.

While it's not my cup of tea, I vividly recall getting physical exams by our female family doctor in the years before I went off to college & was out on my own.

I was completely naked for much of these exams in front of my mom and a nurse or two as well as the doctor. Being gay, women were never a turn-on to me. However, I felt strangely excited by the experience. As an adolescent I often got an erection before it was over. In my later teen years I masturbated just prior to the appointment to lessen the chances of embarrassment.

Maybe new forms of fetishes for all orientations will be discovered through the wonders of the internet. If they do, I hope you get yourself a TUMBLR account to share them with us. I enjoy the eclectic nature of your posts & would be sad to see them end.

After all, thanks to your blog, I know more about trains and CFNM than I possibly would have discovered on my own.

Anonymous said...

Put the job advert on the blog so I can apply. Tiro