Monday 19 September 2011

Smite and blow

I've recently discovered the work of this photographer:

I love the simplicity of what he does -- a simple background, more often than not just a naked man but, occasionally, a very simple prop (like that lovely chair back).

His men are carefully chosen, too: all normal and unmanicured (in a good way).

He sometimes treats us to a strange angle, too, which I find particularly engaging:

Let's end with a trio of loveliness:

I've no idea who this model is, but I love his long, extended body, the manly gentleness of it:

My photographer appears only to have released a single nude of him, but it's a goody and a perfect place to bring this post to a climax:

Magnificent. Even down to the watch-strap, the sole piece of manly dressing in the image. Utterly delightful. I am smitten.

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