Monday 5 September 2011

Something different

Three rather striking images of the same model.

Not normally finding fetish wear very interesting, I confess that I am intrigued by the design of his pants.

The structural engineering required to make fabric tolerate this sort of wear is far beyond my intellectual grasp.

But I must say the effect is rather striking. Almost enough to make me overlook the heavy-duty body shaving that has obviously and sadly gone on here. What a great model!

PS: Oh, alright -- here he is with winkie revealed:

Yes, I would say that was rather fine, actually. Wish he'd get naked for me.


Viollet said...

The pants, I think, are latex, perhaps with a pad or 'prosthetic' insert. Latex is both capable of that degree of deformation (think balloons) and popular with the fetish community. Ugh!

Stewart Jackel said...

My goodness gracious me!
That is indeed a startling device.
Talk about artificial enhancement.
But, old fashioned as I am, I prefer my food ready to eat; why should I waste half an hour peeling it?