Tuesday 13 September 2011

My hero

The man who is the subject of this post is a real-life Adventures in Beige hero:

David Czerny looks like just another muscle-god, pretty-boy porn-star wannabe. But he is so much more than that, because it turns out that David has a tiny dick:

And in modern gay world, that's the worst crime of all (except, maybe, being old. I dunno, that's a close call).

But David is out and proud of his tiny dick, producing great art (like the Bic pic) as well as the more normal boy's own stuff:

So size-obsessed is our culture that there's something rather startling about seeing a tiny-dicked man doing porn:

But our hero is a man of many parts, and he gives pretty good art, too:

Not just visually. He's a blogger (albeit a bit intermittent). Check out his combo autobiography/porn site Surviving Pee Wee, or the beautifully simple Picture Worth 1000 Words, or his rather nice homage site Vintage Men.

Wholly appropriate to finish with that delirious time sequence.

I am in awe of him. Can you tell?


Anonymous said...

A very attractive and sexy man, as you say. I am very disturbed by the photo with the wall hanging, a TV showing something called "Stargate Universe", and the microwave oven perched atop what appears to be a mini-fridge.

This cutie needs someone from "Queer Eyes For Small Dicks" to do some emergency interior design consultation.

Stewart Jackel said...

And if you are old AND have a tiny dick?
Oh dear ... the scrap heap is that way. *points stage left*

Niall said...

He is stunning. Very handsome and fit body.
That mini cock is cute as a button. Literally! lol

Anonymous said...

You didn't even mention the delightful fuzziness of his balls...

Tszar said...

Well size does not matter, we have this stigma of big is beautiful, and ok big, is cool, but the guys who think this the only important issue about a person is wrong, This handsome guy has the energy, courage to show what he truly is made of, and that is Pure beauty atopped with real balls, This is a hero of our times indeed.
Best things do come in Little packages :-)