Saturday 2 April 2011

Food, glorious food

I can't believe I haven't yet boasted about told you about Monday's dinner at St John:

Regularly appearing in lists of the world's best restaurants, St John specialises in traditional English cooking.

I mean real English cooking, not limp, 1950s-style Yorkshire puddings.

Here, simple English ingredients of the very best quality are turned into simple English food -- food which is saturated in taste.

Some of the dishes can look a bit visceral (for my taste there's an over-emphasis on sweetbreads, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to order a pig's spleen), but, my God, this food is exquisite.

Even something as terrifying as a bowl of greens comes out looking delicious:

And as for the pork...

I'm not going to keep boasting. Just add it to your list of restaurants to visit if ever you're in London.

I used to frequent it much more, having once lived in this part of town. This delightful cafe was on the same street as me:

But I knew it was time to move away when they renamed the Jerusalem Coffee House as the Jerusalem Tavern (the base colour behind "Tavern" is different from the rest of the sign, where they painted over "coffee house"). Why did they have to do that?

1 comment:

albeo said...

I am soooooo with you, Le Duc. St John remains one of the best places in London where to eat. Full stop. Although, it should be stressed, not in its newer Shoreditch venue, where the food was perfectly adequate, but no match to its elder sister restaurant. As for you leaving Clerkenwell... I just don't know why you would choose the bleak, dreary, Victorian rows of West London to the gloriously elegant houses of the East. I trust you'll one day understand the depth of your mistake and quietly return into our midst...