Saturday 23 April 2011


Unsurprisingly, this image grabbed my attention and wouldn't let it go:

So intimate and so intriguing -- it just demands your attention. It also set my mind wandering: I wonder if the whorls of the skin around our arseholes are as individual as our fingerprints. Because if they are, this is just as legitimate a portrait as a face.

Er, yes, well.

In case you were wondering, here's a slightly more conventional portrait of our fearless lovely:

See: not as intriguing as the first one, was it?

Though still very nice indeed, I would have said.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. After the furry promise of the first picture, the second is quite a smooth letdown. The cock is quite yummy-lookingm though (not too mutant, I would say). And I don't go for the spacer-stretched-earlobe look.

Niall said...

Phwoar! Those arms are immense! They look like they came off someone like Vin Diesel and were grafted onto him.
Almost seem at odds with his youthfully soft face.