Sunday 24 April 2011

Teeny tiny winkies. Again.

I posted this miraculously sexy image the other day:

His teeny-tiny winkie reminded me, of course, of the extraordinary beauty assigned to such proportions in Ancient Greek art:

In this civilised world, only barbarous tribespeople (and naughty Gods) are depicted with enormous wangers:

In the rest of their world, everything seemed to revolve around the tiny wee pricklet.

Of course, the Greeks were into some weird shit including all sorts of man-to-man loving. The homoeroticism extended everywhere, as evidenced by this next delightful image of two youths wrestling. Note the casual placement of the hand of the chap on the right. And note at extreme right where one of the odd sticks happens to be pointing...

Today, of course, we do not approve of the whole man:boy thing they had going on (something I always found a bit creepy myself, which was possibly a reflection of my unsophisticated market town origins):

But, for me, there was no denying the overwhelming sexiness of imagery such as this:

Given that these sorts of images were my number one visual stimulation as a pervy kid, you can see how that hippy in the first photo might represent, for me, the ultimate sexy fantasy. Oh yes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

totally relate to the link between ancient greek imagery and the eroticism of the small penis.

The hippy guy is from a Russian music festival.