Wednesday 1 June 2011

Making amends

The recent shortage of modestly-sized winkies (or, indeed, any-sized winkies) on Adventures in Beige is, in my opinion, little short of scandalous. So let's try to put matters right.

I love that first chap, and the fact that he features in a dressed/undressed montage just adds to his allure. Amazing cock.

Then again, this chap is no slouch in the cocky department:

And, by comparison, this next manly man is a positive winkie giant:

Back to more normal affairs now...

Oh, how the "put your hand on top of your head" pose adds to this hot studly chap's desirability:

This next guy has no need of such artificialities -- all natural and naturist:

And let's finish with this one-two salute:

That's what I like: a grower who doesn't really grow very much at all. Niiice...


The New Me said...

I'd like one of each please

Niall said...

Mmm yes, a nice little selection box there!

Anonymous said...

Uhm, yeah, you wouldn't happen to know who they guy in the third picture (the black and white one) is? He is absolutely perfect.