Wednesday 15 June 2011


You'll doubtless remember this fine-looking chap, who is young, free and energy efficient?

You'll recall I begged for more images since the only two shots I had of him (above and below) were not as, er, revealing as I would have hoped.

I'm thrilled to say that the Brotherhood of Adventures in Beige has come to my rescue, and you have supplied a veritable gush of new images.

These include a short series taken apparently before the ride had started (this was a rainy day in Brighton).

Although, in fairness, most days in Brighton are, in my experience, rainy.

But this lovely-looking chap was not to be thwarted -- nothing was going to prevent him exposing his genitalia to our adoring gaze.

So he stood around, some sort of Guido-garment draped languidly over his shoulders to prevent hypothermia kicking-in, while his jutting wee winkie teased us with the thoughts of the full-frontal still to come.

He feigned indifference to our raging passions...

But then he was off! All naked and exposed, standing just so in the background of this particular shot to give us maximum exposure:

Let's wind back a second, to the moment when he was being painted (God, I would so love to have had that job):

Oh, alright, let's have the climax -- here he is, all nubile and pert, his staggeringly beautiful face topping a deliciously Donatello-esque body.

Ah, and that suckable winkie, all there, just waiting for someone to minister to it. I'm happy to volunteer on behalf of you all...

PS: Where are my manners? My thanks to everyone who sent me photos of this deliciously puppy -- I'm truly grateful.


Stewart Jackel said...

I have to admit a fondness for the jacketed images of this fine young pom, whose baldesque nature adds to the considerable allure. He seems so comfortable in his own skin. And what a delightful skin it is.
No crude, macho six-packs here. Just tactile, pattable, smooth ... Agggghhhh!

Must buy a bike!

Anonymous said...

I keep going back to the fourth picture of him in the jacket, but not for him. It is the man in the red pants whose back we see that leaves me wanting more. I will have to spend some time researching on flickr.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Leduc and thanks to the other people that sent their images to this post. Very cool to see "the whole thing". The painting of him, the waiting and riding. What a ride it would be. He is great! I love that his hair is thinning. Makes me and him seem more human, real.
Thanx guys!
~Theo on Maui