Sunday 7 August 2011

4th wall thrills

Four shots by the same photographer who, by the looks of things, shares the same sorts of obsessions as me:

His very lovely, wholsome-looking model is Samuel (although he bizarrely spells it with two "a"s and no "e").

So far, so conventionally voyeuristic -- after all, photography, and especially porn photography, is fundamentally about the voyeurism/exhibitionism nexus.

But then the photographer does something rather audacious; if this were a theatre, he would be engaged in a Brechtian "breaking of the fourth wall":

I love that, and the look of insouciant innocence on the model's face, as if he is utterly oblivious to this most intimate of touches...

Things go further as we can see in the final shot from this sequence:

Or, at least, that's the final shot the photographer has deigned to share with us. I can't tell you how much I want to see more.


Anonymous said...

i'm lovin'it

Anonymous said...

Not a bad effort bad for an Australian :)

Keep up the good work,

Niall said...

He's rather nice, but could be even nicer if it weren't for his bodily shaving!