Thursday 18 August 2011

He's a Star

There are times when a terrific synchronicity means that I stumble across one image after another of the same glorious model, in apparently wildly unconnected places.

This is just such an occasion.

Can I introduce the extraordinary physique of Star Jnr?

He is clearly a favoured photographic model of a number of, er, photographers.

It's easy to see why: that extraordinary musculature provides a stunning frame over which the deep, beautiful skin is stretched taut.

Star overdoes the baby oil/sweat thing a bit for my taste, though there's no denying the sheer physical sexiness of the result...

He's even adventurous enough to do interesting outdoors shots...

Let's end here, with an intense look...

And have you noticed how I've completed the entire post without having banged on about the sheer massive mutant turgidity of his bulky winky? I'm so proud of me. Oh, wait a minute...

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