Thursday 18 August 2011

Where's Ozymandias?

Detroit has attracted the attentions of a significant number of really rather good photographers.

The reason is, of course, that it is probably the most significant example of a major, prosperous American city whose economy has collapsed.

Vast, ornate buildings, put up at the time of Detroit's most successful era in the first half of the twentieth century, now lie empty and abandoned or converted into car parking structures.

Places that were previously bustling with the success of human endeavours now stand abandoned, the bank vaults empty and rusting...

Vast factories, many associated with vehicle manufacturing, sink into dereliction, the mighty works crumbling.

Even sacred spaces are affected, so vast has been the city's decline into poverty and despair...

Detroit might make a salutory holiday destination, for those inclined to remind themselves of the fundamentally transitory nature of any human structures.


Anonymous said...

Two sets of engrossing and utterly different images on one day. You are a winner.

Anonymous said...

I particularly like the phrase in the last picture...
"And you shall say God did it."
Always blaming the other guy. :D

Niall said...

"And you shall say god did it"

Oh the irony!

Loved the set, really chilling and soul crushing.