Thursday 4 August 2011

Always the bridesmaid

I'm very conscious that I haven't yet told you what to think about Bridesmaids, so you're probably feeling all disorientated -- should I think it's great? Should I detest it?

Relax: it's a hugely enjoyable romp, a gross-out comedy by and about women. There are one or two scenes which will forever remain burned into your brain, including, no doubt, this charmer:

Comedy aside, the revelation for me was that I really, really fancy Chris O'Dowd:

His shambling persona had caught my eye long ago in British low-budget tv comedy The IT Crowd, but in that his geeky IT help desk-guy ("have you tried turning it off and then turning it on again...?") was played heavily for laughs.

 But there's something still of that great, shambling, boy-man character in Bridesmaids:

His role as the ultimate love-match let me give full rein to my desires and lusts. Yeah, Chris is The Man.

Oh, and Bridesmaids is well worth seeing (just don't set your expectations too high, ok?).

PS: Just realised I have utterly failed you. Here are the full frontal shots of Chris's lovely cocklet, from a BBC costume drama (God bless the BBC!):

It's called The Crimson Petal and the White, if you're interested in tracking it down for your own moving image pleasure -- here's his winkie outlined against the sunny window. Beautiful, suckable winkie:

Just the right size, too. Oh, and Chris was generous enough to give us a glimpse of balls, too:

God, I am wetting myself. He is a stud ball. A huge, manly hotty. I think he should be made to be naked at all times. It would only be fair.

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