Saturday 13 August 2011

Putting on a show

It's that time of year when the normally tranquil and douce city of Edinburgh is bursting at the seams with luvvies desperate to make their mark.

To stand out from the crowd it is necessary to resort to base tactics of one sort of another -- and, as here, full-frontal nudity is usually a pretty good way of generating box office sales.

These images are not actually from Edinburgh (I think), they're just a random set I happened to stumble across while I was "researching" today's posts.

It was the positively delicious looks of the "boy" being spanked which got my attention.

There is clearly some sort of weird daddy-o thing going on here, but I think it's best not to dwell on that and, instead, to admire the actors' charming man-parts.

I'd pay good money for a ticket to see that live -- wouldn't you?


Anonymous said...

O yes you bet I would!

Anonymous said...

I would in deed pay good money to see those large, low hanging testicles>