Thursday 17 February 2011

Classical traditions

I like this a lot -- a clever photographer who poses modern models in Classical, er, poses:

Here, assorted Cherub-like figures cavort in the Classical manner above our heads.

Perhaps they are angels, high in the church roof.

Or playful Caravaggio-esque figures...

Sometimes not so playful, actually:

Now for some other Classical allusions.

Ephebes, in assorted miserable poses. Or dead.

Not altogether sure what this next one represents -- I may have to look it up.

While this is, obviously, a pietà:

While this next chap is, I imagine, just dead:

This is all getting a bit morbid, so let's end with an Alan Strang. Yes, it's the role made famous by Harry Potter's penis, in the great play Equus:

If you don't know it, Equus is a delightful play suitable for both exhibitionists and voyeurs. This chap does the part proud.


Lady V said...

I think I've been nesting too long. That upside-down lampshade in the first few classical snaps ruined the snaps for me...

thisisaname said...

Oh my gosh, that first set... I love love that elfin boy with the little winkie. Any hope of tracking down more of that boy, or from that sequence?

LeDuc said...

I might have one or two more. I'll have a looksie (and I suspect that one of the cherubs is, in fact, the photographer, but will try to confirm).

Send me an email if you want the source.