Monday 28 February 2011


One of the things that often mystifies me about straight porn is the propensity for women to be dressed to look like something out of a Carry On... film:

I never found the Carry Ons to be remotely erotic, so maybe I'm missing out: but to me these women look more like sexless panto dames than erotic figures.

This particular sequence has more perplexing things in store: do straight men (and women?) find it erotic to watch a naked man having a banana thrust into his back passage?

Certainly the man in these pictures does not seem altogether impressed, while the women make comedy gurning faces presumably in a desperate attempt to convey what they hope is at least a smidgen of sexual titillation:

There's much more tedious business in the full sequence, but let's end it here, after the victim has been spanked with a bat of some sort (no, I have no idea why, either), to leave him in the condition you see here:

I think that may well have been the least erotic sequence I have ever featured in a blog (including the post, below, on the Wigmore Hall). Must try harder.

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