Tuesday 15 February 2011

Growing up

This series of images set me wondering about trade-offs:

A cute boy with a modest winkie and bushy pubiary, he's right up my alley.

(I was going to put "back passage" there, but realised that might lead to some ambiguity of meaning).

What I mean is, he's a very sexy, attractive boy, all virile loveliness and nice body packaging.

But the photography is so dull and lifeless, flat images taken with some hideous-looking flash, by the looks of it.

It's not that I expect my porn to be art, as such, but I do like a minimum level of aesthetic standards.

Then again, I contemplate his magnificent arse in the last shot from the series and I do wonder if I'm not just turning into some prissy old queen. How could anyone fault such a flawless construction?

The final shot of this post is, by contrast, from someone clearly striving for "arty". No cock, but the image is mightily more engaging. To me, anyway.

I'm sure I never used to look for aesthetic standards when I began consuming porn all those years ago, as a desperate teenager trying to find out what the Hell was going on. Maybe that's called "growth"? Hm...


Anonymous said...

Enigmaticboys would have made a much better job of photographing 'Havoc' even long ago when those pics were taken, and there are plenty of sites which would have done a much worse job. But one can't help finding him most enticing

Anonymous said...

boys or men?

I think he's a wee bit too boyish for me.