Tuesday 22 February 2011

Where am I?

Am a bit swamped at the moment with actually having a life, so there's an unfortunate dearth of updates. But here's a shot of actor Mario Lopez's perfect arse, to keep you going:

Spent last night at a sneak preview of the new Emilio Estevez/Martin Sheen movie The Way, only so I could bring you an exclusive review. Except the film was dull as ditchwater, so that really isn't something to look forward to... More tomorrow.


Niall said...

I've been meaning to ask, why "Adventures In Beige?"

Why the beige?

I'd say this type of blog is anything but beige.

Why not Adventures in Vanilla?
Adventures in cream, magnolia, etc...?

Very fine arse by the way.

Anonymous said...

He's still an arse.