Wednesday 16 February 2011

So manly

Sometimes a porn actor comes along whose body encapsulates my ideal. This is one such chap:

Here he is, all manly and relaxed, body hair and muscle and flesh in one adorable package:

It turns out that his porno partner is rather fine, too, albeit very different:

And when you put them together you get a rather pleasing effect:

From this next shot I'm almost -- almost -- convinced that my ideal man has, er, shaped his eyebrows, which would instantly demote him a little...

But then I look here and sanity is restored:

To finish, the two of them together, comparing their prodigious winkies and staring defiantly (or possibly a little self-consciously) into the camera

My fantasies are now fully fuelled for at least the next twenty minutes while I contemplate the loveliness of these masculine manly men.

I'm just sharing.


jc said...

Sir, you surprise me. Whilst I'm never going to complain about pictures of Malachi Marx, he's not your usual type...I believe his eyebrows are naturally like that but he's huuung and he clippers his body hair. I thought you didn't approve.

ps - I'd like to complain about the recent lack of gorgeous high res film stock of trains from the 60s. Such as the one of the Mallard you carried a few months ago. cheers jc

LeDuc said...

Clippered? Really?? I am shocked -- shocked! -- to discover clippering going on in this blog. I will speak to the proper authorities immediately.

albeo said...

I don't think I can bear the idea of this being your last blog. Unless, of course, you were serious when you told us about that "career change plan"... in which case happy to switch from still to moving images!