Monday 28 February 2011


There's a porn company which produces images that are often distorted in interesting ways.

Like here, for instance, where it looks like some sort of odd lens has been used to create a wild and giddy feeling:

I think it's the same company that also uses very strong colours in the background -- often graffiti, for example:

But it's the acidic colours and weird distortions that get most of my attention:

Not that they're beautiful or pretty (in fact, they use a higher than usual proportion of very, very ordinary boys):

But there is something hyper-real about their porn, something that is almost palpable:

A sense of sweaty skin pressed together:

Something of the experienced, notwithstanding the rather painful-looking gymnastics:

But a lot of their stuff, perversely, also has a sort of dreamy, disembodied quality to it:

And, if you think about it, the very idea of disembodied porn seems like something of a contradiction.

At other times, there is hard-core action usually featuring the chap shown on the left and a, er, guest:

Here, there are no distorting lenses but, more often, strange and interesting angles:

I ought to point out that I'm not really going anywhere else with this post. It was just an observation and a, er, sharing.

I do rather marvel at the colours they use (where on earth would you buy a sofa like that?):

Something rather sickly about some of them, actually:

No matter how hunky the models are, in this pair.

Or, indeed, in this final shot: I am rather besotted with this fine-looking chap:

Er... Yes, well, that started well but rather ran out of steam, I fear. Sorry. Will try harder next time.

1 comment:

Blithering Bernard said...

ooh, please can we have lots more of that pretty boy with the GORGEOUS hairy chest? Please please please please please!