Wednesday 23 February 2011

Muddy jolly

I've always been intrigued by mud wrestling, and a generous reader has been indulging me by sending me lots of images -- including this startlingly good one:

This next pair come from a sequence I know I've featured before, but it was probably years ago so there's no harm in repeating:

It is, after all, a ferociously good sequence:

I don't remember this one. And I'm sure I would have:

This is rather sweet -- all that long hair, too, which he managed to avoid getting muddy:

Whereas this is just delightful -- perfect pose, perfect winkie:

Something rather visceral about this. Manly. Penetrative. Sort of:

Let's end with this -- which reminds me of a glorious sequence from that terrible film Cannibal Holocaust, whose one saving grace was an extended sequence where a gorgeously lovely anthropology student runs around naked. Just like this:

Mud just accentuates all the positives, I think, with his modest winkie jutting proudly forward, etc, etc.


Niall said...

That was fun! :-)
Is it just me or does that final pic look like it could have been taken somewhere in Norfolk?
Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I'm not entirely sure he was a student, but he was gorgeous indeed. At least, if this is what you ment:
minute 25:30 to 26:50

LeDuc said...

Anonymous: you are a complete and utter star! That was exactly the sequence I had in mind.

Miguel is one of the most gorgeous men who has ever lived, so to be privileged to witness his tiny winkie bobbing around as he waves his manly arms at the natives... Pure Paradise.

albeo said...

I just watched the whole film in 20 minutes (probably that's 20 minutes more than the film deserves) and indeed I agree with you, gorgous Miguel indeed. But damn, the film was awful, and they killed lots of animals in really cruel ways to make it (and people too? not sure) so it put me off Miguel, these lovely boys and in fact my entire dinner...

LeDuc said...

Yes, the film is one of those that it's important to have seen (what with it being a genre-busting classic and all), but there's not much fun in actually seeing it. Other than the Miguel winkie sequence, of course.

And that bit of tomfoolery in the bedroom at the beginning, that was rather nice, too.

And, yes, the turtle scene was particularly distressing. I think I have always fast-forwarded through that.

Still, let's just remember Miguel...