Thursday 24 February 2011

Hanging around

A very kind reader has sent me this exceptional image of a delightful pair of low hangers:

The winkie may be too large for my usual tastes, but I can forgive it everything for the way it limply hangs there, just awaiting my ministrations and... er... um...

Yes, well. I think we'd better draw a veil over that.

PS: Another kind reader has sent in this image and asks if it's the same man:

I can't decide: the winkie looks the same but the balls don't seem so free. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Click to enlarge! To discover his lovely subtile blondness.

Anonymous said...

How generous of you, LeDuc, to indulge your greedier followers: there's nowt like a big 'un. What a happy double entendre that was!

Jim in SC said...

Apparently, the veil has been drawn, already...

Anonymous said...

I wanna pluck that wishbone.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Having thoroughly enjoyed the pics, I suddenly was distracted by the "Tangy Toms" box - and had to google the phrase to find out what in the world they could be. Ugh! That's what I get for being distracted by anything other than the loveliness of the winkie.

LeDuc said...

Tangy Toms caught my eye, too, but I resisted the urge to look it up until you mentioned it...

Maybe I'll go back tonight and edit that out of the photo.

Anonymous said...

I saw the second picture a long time ago, and I also searched for "Tangy Toms". As far as I remember, they are an Australian item. Other extraneous features of photos can help identify the location; one can often identify a British nude by the electric sockets in the background. Yes, I know, I should get out more...

Sven said...

There not the same guys. The first picture is Vitas from GTS

LeDuc said...

Ah, thanks for clearing that up, Sven!

Anonymous said...

I love the detective work too - Tangy Toms are in fact British and if you look at the socket outlet you'll see there's an adaptor to permit of the use of a somewhat European-looking plug. When you see other pics of this lad in a suburban garden it can ONLY be in Britain - the pressing questions are who is he and where are the bulk of his photos to be found?

Anonymous said...

Did we ever discover the site where the Tangy Toms lad lives? I've culled several pics of him over the last couple of years, but each one individually