Wednesday 16 March 2011

Beanie boys

There is, for me, something completely, deliciously absurd about going to bed naked except for your beanie.

Well, it's a thought to distract oneself with, as we appear to get ever closer to nuclear meltdown on the other side of the world (whatever happened to "failsafe" and "of course, it could never happen"...?).

Oh, alright: here are a couple more of the beanie boys:

These are not what I would think of as technically brilliant images.

But there is something rather lovely about the easy intimacy of them.

It's like we're being let into a secret world, to share a little of it with them.

Somehow the intimacy of sleeping together is so powerful: maybe it's because we so rarely see other people sleeping together.

In fact, I enjoyed that sequence a lot. Almost made me forget about the, er, troubles elsewhere.

1 comment:

chris z said...

Beanies - yes, quite adorable, but what makes it for me is being naked except for a watch (and that guy also has neck beads and a wrist band). Delicious accessories to complement a naked body.