Saturday 12 March 2011

Everybody loves Joseph

Everybody loves Joseph Sayers.

Even me, despite the indubitably near-mutant proportions of his man-tube.

And also despite the overly gym-pumped nature of his physique.

He's just so generous with his body (and so devilishly good-looking) that it's impossible to resist him.

Hence, even though I have no reason for posting them at this time, you get a set of Josephs (my God -- look at that thigh!):

Actually, that's not true. You get two sets of Josephs -- this one in moody black and white:

I love the List-like nature of the hair in this one:

All that Mediterranean sun...

The introverted, contemplative poses...

But ending with this, Joseph flying free...

Yeah... everybody loves Joseph. Unless, you know, you're some sort of Philistine or something.


Jim in SC said...

Not an ounce of fat anywhere on that boy. I think his body is perfect in every respect... Thanks for sharing.

LeDuc said...

I know. He must be absolutely ravenously hungry all the time, wouldn't you think?

Stewart Jackel said...

So I'm a philistine. At least I'm a philstine with taste!
I'd rather cuddle a can of soup.
Bah Humbug!

Niall said...

Whoa! What a beefcake!
The black and white photos look oddly 1940's to me. Must be the hair.