Friday 4 March 2011

Glory be

Has anyone else been watching Glory Daze?

It looks dreadful: a group of four stereotypical boys (the jock, the nerd, the posh kid, the ordinary one) go to college in 1986.

Their primary objective is, of course, to get laid, but they get into all sorts of scrapes.

These scrapes seem to involve them fairly frequently hanging around in their pants.

From this it will be seen that they are vastly more ripped than any college kid I can remember from the mid-1980s.

But such quibbles are for pedants.

The fact is this series is packed with both (boy) eye-candy and some of the extraordinary (not to say great) music that made the 1980s the decade it was.

It's also pretty funny, actually.

Yeah... there's been enough hot, er, music to seduce me into watching more of this. Glory Daze: could be top teen crud telly.

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