Tuesday 8 March 2011


An armpit-themed post, just because I can:

There is a surprising number of armpit displaying photos sprayed over the web.

Including ones like this where I suspect some photoshopery has gone on around the wrists and hands:

But that needn't distract us from the magnificence of some of the pits on offer:

Like this magnificently hairy man:

Or this pouting sulker with the wonderful chestifications:

Neologisms are spurting out of me at such an alarming rate I'm beginning to think I'm having some sort of stroke, so let's leave it here, with this final image, which I found both repellent and alluring in roughly equal measure:

Actually, maybe I am having a stroke. What was the number for NHS Direct again...?


Jim in SC said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! But what's with the cigarette in the last shot?

Niall said...

This is good stuff!!
Very hot selection, the first chap looks especially fine to me, may I have his name/address/phone number? Or at least a few more pics of his awesome chunky hotness?