Saturday 19 March 2011

What if?

Sometimes on the street a masculine-looking guy catches my eye.

Casual, pumped-full of sexual potential, manly...

So it's always a joy to encounter such models in porn sequences.

This is one such arty porn sequence.

There's something delicious about having the nakedness under that punchy exterior laid bare for our pleasure:

The model's lithe, muscular form reinforcing (or perhaps determining) his natural sexiness:

From all angles, this model does not disappoint:

And while, from my perspective, he may be over-endowed prick-wise, maybe that fits with his general air of potency. 

Let's end here, with our model having delivered everything we could have wished and, perhaps, saluting our interest in his loveliness:

Yeah, I actually spend most of my day in fantasy reveries like that.

1 comment:

Niall said...

MmmmMeaty! :-)