Tuesday 8 March 2011

Make it count

Despite the absurd methodological flaws that mean a traditional census is utterly pointless, it's a year ending in the number "1" which means it's time for the UK's once-every-decade census.

Annoying advertising has sprung up everywhere, whose theme seems to be some sort of origami made out of purple paper. This is what in Whitehall laughably passes for an advertising "campaign" (though most private sector outfits are little better, it should be noted).

My confidence in the whole business has not been particularly lifted by the fact that the census operatives have decided my flat has two subtly different addresses, and I have therefore been sent two census forms. Despite copious amounts of paper stuffing the envelopes, there are no instructions covering such an eventuality. Am I to fill in both? Am I to fill in one as me, and the other as my alter-ego, LeDuc, arch-pornographer? Or is one for facts and the other for fiction?

Having seen the Humanist society's posters (rather catchier than the Census mob's), I am tempted to fill in two as a Godless atheist in order to help counterbalance all the morons who believe nothing but decide to call themselves CofE.

I sometimes feel I am way too old and turgid for this world.

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