Saturday 5 March 2011


One of my guiltiest porn-related pleasures is my enjoyment of the products of companies that are rather, er, specialist.

In the company featured today, each sequence starts off with the assumption that some ostensibly straight dude is engaged in some relatively normal activity -- here, it's a photographer's model at a fashion shoot.

But after an early phase where the photographer "helps" the model to adjust his clothing, things start to go badly wrong for the straight man...

He is powerless while the predatory homosexual abuses him.

On the face of it, there is something extremely unpleasant about what we are witnessing here.

But my brain appears to be sufficiently sophisticated to compartmentalise it: to understand that while "in real life" this would be vile and hideous, in fantasy porno world this can be erotically thrilling (a bit like every small child derives limitless pleasure from a game of peek-a-boo, which plays on their biggest terror -- of being abandoned by the people on whom they are utterly dependent).

Sometimes I imagine myself as the predatory homosexual, but more often I am the unsuspecting "straight"man, at the mercy of my captor(s).

There is usually a part where, despite himself, the straight man becomes aroused.

I think it's the intimacy of all this which I find so beguiling -- notwithstanding the unpleasantness of the scenario, the physical intimacy can be extraordinary.

Although the straight man does seem to suffer.

Then a hint arrives that, perhaps, he may not be suffering as much as we might have imagined.

This particular sequence goes on to use clothes pegs and some sort of hoist in a strange way.

I am constantly surprised by the sheer dynamic elasticity of the penis:

I think it's fair to say that this chap does not seem to be enjoying this part of the sequence.

Although for me it is, again, rescued by the intimacy involved in some of the actions (though I have no interest in clothes pegs or other "torture toys"):

This sequence then ends with a final humiliation. Again, not something I am personally excited by, but it seems like a fitting finale.

I do wonder sometimes at the perverted sewer of my sexual imagination. But pornography demonstrates that I am not alone.

Which is actually less of a comfort than you might imagine, when I come to think of it..


Anonymous said...

Well each to his own, it's not exactly my bag although it makes an interesting change.

Mike said...

Great piss scene!!!!