Thursday 17 March 2011

Random roundup no. 4

It's been an absolute age since I pandered to Daddy Albeo's tropism for red-heads, so I set off to post with the intention of making this striking lovely the first in a sequence:

Alas, I quickly ran out of energy so this post has degenerated into a random roundup. Although, to be fair to me, we haven't had one of those for at least twenty minutes.

I started getting this artfully-posed-in-a-studio mojo going...

And things got more and more artificial...

But the claustrophobia got too much, and it was time for something more outdoorsy:

And, while we're on a sporting theme (not a phrase you'll often hear at Adventures in Beige where we pride ourselves on the near total absence of sporting activity...):

Which was all rather mannered, not to say contrived, so it was time for something a little more natural...

Er.... no, I think we need to stop that right there. Let's end on an upbeat note with some perennial Adventures in Beige regulars, here disporting themselves at one or other of Brighton's World Naked Bike Ride events:

You see how dangerous it can be when you start to explore the Ginger Side? I think we barely escaped unscathed there.


Anonymous said...

OMG I love this post so much. Everything is so different and fun and lovely to look at.
#'s 1, 5, 6(OMFG), and 8.
~Theo on Maui
#6 is especially interesting if you think "What does a body look like when about to hit a ball?" Just cool. Opens up a whole "What does a body look like when about to..." post...huh? I mean, without the clothes... uh, yeah :P

Jim in SC said...

Your #1 has me in quite a dither... I cannot find a single fault in that boy's body.

Niall said...

Lad No.1 has an epic body.
Lad No.3 has a hot juicy cock.
Man no.5 has some nice body fuzz.
A nice mixed bag this one.