Thursday 3 March 2011

Fash Mag Slag

I rarely post photos of fashion models since they always seem to over-promise and under-deliver:

This sequence of Top Model River Viiperi is no exception (you'll look in vain for a hint of winkie here), but I decided to break my own rules just because I'm a huge, huge rebel.

Well, that and the fact I was taken with Mr Viiperi's camera mugging antics:

And he does give us good pit:

But, once again, a fashion sequence runs out of steam -- so let's end with this delightful composition where the (tiny) bulge in his pants is the closest we have yet come to River's doo-dah:

That was fun. Maybe I'll do some more fashion photo-shoots. I mean, post-Galliano it's become clear just how cerebral and thoughtful are so many people associated with the supposedly vacuous fashion industry.


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